
The school aims to provide an international curriculum.
With the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum of England underpinning our Nursery, Key Stage 1 & 2 and Primary; together with the demands and innovations of modern society; there is much to excite and extend the child’s learning and development.
The inherent inquisitiveness of the young is nurtured so that it may develop into the will to learn. This will be achieved through a well-planned curriculum, the encouragement of learning outside the classroom and a system which gives each child all the individual support and attention that he/she needs.
The school aims to provide an enabling environment where each child is valued and respected and can develop into a resilient and secure individual.
From its start as an Early Years setting, Banana Island School now offers exceptional Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 education.
Children transition from the Reception class with a secure Early Years foundation into Year 1 and move up through the School until the end of Key Stage 2 (Age 11).

Key Stage 1
Ages 5 - 7
In Year 1, the children are introduced to a more disciplined working environment, but with an emphasis is keeping the learning interesting and fun.
Using the National Curriculum Key Stage 1, each core subject is covered with a carefully structured scheme of work, often linked through cross-curricular topic work.